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Other Topics

The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies offers a variety of useful workshops to assist graduate students in their personal and professional development.

Instructor-directed workshops

  • Mindfulness

    This workshop will introduce students to the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness means “paying attention in a particular way, on purpose, in the present moment non-judgmentally” (Jon Kabat-Zinn, 1994). Practicing mindfulness has been shown to elevate positive emotions, increase empathy, reduce chronic pain and depression, reduce stress and anxiety, improve immune system functioning and produce a wide range of other positive effects. You will learn about the expanding body of research related to mindfulness, have the opportunity to practice mindfulness techniques and engage in a discussion about your personal experience and perspectives on how you might be able to incorporate mindfulness in your personal and professional life.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Define mindfulness.
    • Discuss current research findings related to the benefits of mindfulness.
    • Identify practices/techniques that develop mindfulness.
    • Practice basic mindfulness techniques.
    • Discuss strategies for incorporating mindfulness practices in everyday life.
  • Respecting Individuals and Supporting Equity (RISE)

    The goal of the RISE program (Respecting Individuals and Supporting Equity) is to foster a safe and inclusive campus community. In this workshop, you will be introduced to bystander intervention skills that you can use to prevent and respond to discrimination and harassment, and receive foundational knowledge on how oppression manifests and what you can do on an individual level to foster a safe and inclusive community at the university.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Identify three consequences of not intervening in a discriminatory situation.
    • Identify three different ways to safely intervene in situations of discrimination and/or harassment.
    • Identify two on-campus resources which can provide support to someone subjected to discrimination and/or harassment.
  • Values that Guide Us

    Our personal values do not only guide our behavior, they also influence our motivation and well-being. During this workshop, engage in fun and interactive activities to help identify your values and explore how values impact your decision-making. Insights will be recorded on a worksheet and opportunities will be given to discuss with your peers.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Identify your values and discuss how they may change over time.
    • Explore how they influence your decision-making process.
    • Discuss how values can determine your priorities.
  • Wellness

    This workshop will provide an overview of Living Fit and Well principles. You will do a lifestyle evaluation to determine your current personal lifestyle behaviours. Wellness, health and physical activity will be defined. Some of the common barriers to physical activity will be discussed. The components of fitness will be identified and described. The FITT principle will be described. Different options for cardiovascular, resistance and flexibility training will be identified and described. The principles for healthy eating for healthy living will be discussed and described, including how body composition affects health and healthy nutrition. Students will create a personal action plan for health and wellness.

    Learning outcomes:

    • Assess your current lifestyle in terms of wellness.
    • Create a personal action plan for health and wellness which will include training and nutrition.