Thesis and projects/papers FAQs and contacts
Student/supervisor relationships
I am a new graduate student. Are there resources on how to build a strong relationship with my supervisor?
The relationship between you and your research supervisor is most important to your successful completion of a graduate degree. Our conversation starter document is designed to complement the Graduate Academic Calendar’s section on the roles and responsibilities of supervisors and students.
I'm experiencing some challenges with my supervisor. What should I do?
It is the responsibility of the university and its faculties to ensure that all graduate students receive appropriate and fair supervision. Unfortunately, sometimes conflicts may arise. In such instances, the first step should be to attempt to resolve the conflict informally between the student and the research supervisor. To help facilitate this, students may reach out to Shelly Windsor, the Graduate Academic Affairs Specialist.
Information on student and faculty advisor or research supervisor conflict can be found in the university’s policy on responsibilities of graduate program directors, faculty advisors, research supervisors and graduate students.
Graduate thesis/project writing
Where can I receive guidance on writing my thesis or project/papers?
You should seek guidance from your research supervisor(s) regarding the appropriate style manual for your thesis and term papers.
You may also use Ontario Tech resources and SGPS workshops to assist you in your writing (e.g. Grad Pro Skills workshop to perfect literature reviews).
Can I use my own published work in my thesis?
All reputable publishers will allow you to include your published content in your thesis for free so long as you:
- Ask permission, usually by a web-form.
- Cite the work properly, including a statement that the item was reproduced with permission of the copyright holder.
You must also include the copyright permission letters with your thesis package. Some publishers permit authors of a published paper to use the content in their dissertation without having to seek further permission, but it is important that you check with the publisher.
It is common in many fields to add a statement of prior publication at the beginning of a chapter, particularly if you are doing a “thesis-by-articles” style of thesis.
Since the university has a new brand name, how should I refer to the university in my thesis?
On your thesis document title page, use the name "University of Ontario Institute of Technology (Ontario Tech University)". In your document, use Ontario Tech University as the first reference (if applicable) and Ontario Tech for all subsequent references to the institution. Do not use the acronym OTU or the former acronym UOIT.
What style of thesis is acceptable?
SGPS allows different thesis formats, including traditional style, and the manuscript style or ‘thesis-by-articles”.
Specifically, a manuscript style thesis should follow a similar format to the current thesis template with an introduction section, middle chapters and a final conclusion/discussion chapter. In this case, the middle chapters would be for each manuscript, each containing their own sub-sections. For manuscript style, each chapter should contain its own methods, results, discussion, etc.
Where can I find information on how to format my thesis/project/paper?
SGPS requires discipline-specific standards with respect to thesis format (including electronic format), organization, manuscript (co)authorship and any other requirements. This information can be found under the Templates and Formatting section for both Master’s and Doctoral theses on the SGPS thesis webpage. SGPS has also created a template (.docx format) for a Master’s major paper/project. This can be found under the Templates tab on the Master’s project/major paper page.
Research progress/timelines
Will I have to complete a Doctoral Candidacy Examination if I have already started collecting my research?
Yes. Each student in a doctoral program is required to prepare a written thesis proposal and pass a candidacy exam. Full-time students are normally expected to do so within 18 months of their initial registration in the program. Visit the Doctoral Candidacy web page for more information.
What is the research progress report?
Student research progress is evaluated at the end of each term for every student in programs with a thesis, project or major paper, starting when the student is engaged in their research. The progress report is an opportunity for the student and their supervisor(s) to discuss goals, successes, roadblocks etc. The student’s research supervisory committee is also responsible for evaluating their research progress in relation to the student’s overall research plan. Please see the Research Progress Report page for more information.
I have some concerns about my progress. What do I do?
It is important that students maintain open lines of communication with their supervisor(s). If you are concerned about your research progress, share your concerns with your supervisor as soon as possible. It is also essential to complete research progress reports each term. The progress report can be a means to express concerns about your progress and to document reasons why or what may have caused delays. If your concerns persist, you should consult your Graduate Program Director for guidance. You may also reach out to Shelly Windsor, the Graduate Academic Affairs Specialist, for assistance or guidance in raising your concerns with your supervisor or Graduate Program Director.
When must I complete my thesis/project/paper degree requirements?
The minimum time allowed for full-time students to complete all requirements for a master's program is one year, and the maximum time is three years from the time of initial registration as a full-time student. Students registering on a part-time basis have a maximum of six years to complete the degree.
The minimum time allowed for full-time students to complete all requirements for a doctoral program is two years, and the maximum time is six years from the time of initial registration as a full-time student. Students registering on a part-time basis have a maximum of eight years to complete the degree.
Students expecting to complete beyond these timelines will need to submit a Request for program extension to
I am not ready to defend my thesis/complete my project/paper but I am nearing the maximum time recommended for my program. What do I need to do?
Students needing to exceed the normal allotted time for completion of their program must formally request an extension. Please submit a Request for program extension form to
Program extension requests
What is the program extension request?
As outlined in the Graduate Academic Calendar under time limits, there is a minimum and maximum time allowed for students to complete all requirements for a graduate program. All students who will exceed the normal allotted time for completion in their program must formally submit a request to extend their program to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. See Request for program extension form.
Along with the completed form, students are required to provide a list of the reasons for delay in degree completion and complete a one to two-page report outlining their progress and a plan for completion with a timeline.
Note: students that request / require a program extension are still responsible for tuition and ancillary fees in each semester they are registered.
If you are unsure about the time in your program, contact
When is the program extension request due?
The request for program extension forms are due at the end of each academic semester. See Graduate Academic Calendar schedule for dates.
Failure to submit the required documentation by the deadline will result in the student’s account being placed on hold.
The form must be completed, approved by the student’s supervisor(s), graduate program director and submitted to for approval.
Oral thesis defence/examination
If I want to defend my thesis, how far in advance should I begin to plan?
The procedures are described in the Thesis Programs Guide (replaces thesis handbook).
The deadlines leading up to the defence are different for master’s and doctoral programs. Please discuss the timelines with your research supervisor/graduate program office to ensure all forms are submitted by their respective deadlines.
Master’s: Defence forms are required to be submitted to The School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS) beginning at least five weeks prior to the anticipated defence date, preferably earlier. Refer to the Master's timelines and deadlines page for more information.
Doctoral: Defence forms are required to be submitted to SGPS beginning at least 10 weeks prior to the anticipated defence date, preferably earlier. Refer to the Doctoral timelines and deadlines page for more information.
Can I defend my thesis while I am still enrolled in courses?
When students complete all coursework requirements, the supervisor advises the student to request a transcript check from the Graduate Program Assistant and/or the registrar’s office in order to confirm that all course requirements have been met.
SGPS must receive confirmation from the Graduate Program Assistant that the student has met all course requirements before the oral examination can be approved by the Graduate Program Director and the Dean of SGPS.
Do I select my oral defence examining committee myself?
This should be done together with your supervisor and/or graduate program director.
I have a hold on my account, how does this impact the scheduling of my thesis defence or completion of my project this term?
As outlined in the Graduate Academic Calendar, students on hold are unable to register for courses. Normally, if you are planning to defend your thesis or submit your final project/paper certificate of approval, the appropriate course must be registered on your account by SGPS. Therefore, you cannot defend and/or apply to graduate if there is a hold on your account.
I would like to defend my thesis and graduate this term, is it feasible?
In order to defend your thesis and complete all requirements in a given term, SGPS has provided a list of deadlines (Master's and Doctoral) of when each stage of the oral defence prep must be completed. Please familiarize yourself with these deadlines as late submissions will not be accepted.
It is important to note that the thesis defence has four potential outcomes. If the examining committee requires revisions to the thesis, the student must complete them within a given period. If the student cannot submit the final, revised thesis to SGPS by the final thesis package deadline, they will be subject to fees in the following term.
What time should I arrive for my oral defence?
We recommend that you arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time of your defence in order to set up and ensure everything is in working order.
How long should my presentation be?
The general rule of thumb for a Master’s or Doctoral presentation is maximum 20-25 minutes. However, it is important that you consult with your supervisor/supervisory committee or chair of examining committee to confirm their expectations.
Post-defence thesis submission/graduation
I submitted my post-defence final thesis package/project early in the semester. Do I still have to pay ancillary fees?
Students are registered in the term they submit their post-defence thesis package/project to SGPS. In recognition of completion early in the term, the university may offer a discounted tuition fee (see Early Completion Tuition Refund Request, below). However, given that you are still registered for the full academic term, you are required to pay full ancillary fees.
Early Completion Tuition Refund Request
Students who defend their thesis prior to the end of an academic term may be eligible for a partial tuition refund. If students believe they are eligible for a refund, they are required to submit a completed Early Completion Tuition Refund Request with their final thesis package when they submit it to their program office. Students with a credit balance due to scholarships, awards or tuition overpayment will receive their refund according to the regularly scheduled refunds for tuition fees each term. Students should contact Grad Finance for more information. Domestic students eligible for a refund as a result of early completion may have any applicable refund amounts returned to the National Student Loan Service Centre, if tuition balance was cleared using OSAP funding. Please contact Student Awards and Financial Aid at for more information.
A student is still registered in the 4-month course and cannot receive an official parchment until the end of the academic term. All international students are required to meet with the International Office to discuss completion of their degree.
In order to be eligible for a refund, a grade of pass must be entered for the student’s thesis and the complete and final version of the thesis must be submitted to SGPS (in accordance with the thesis guidelines) by the dates listed on the SGPS website. In addition, they must also meet all other standard program requirements, which includes meeting a minimum program tuition fee. Details on minimum program tuition fees are available on our website.
SGPS will record the date the final thesis package is submitted. SGPS will also advise students who submit their packages on or very close (prior) to the refund deadline that if any deficiencies are found and the package requires revisions, the student will not be eligible for a tuition refund. In addition, students should be advised that it may take a few days for staff to check the package and confirm that it is complete. (This means that if students wait until the last minute to submit their thesis package, they cannot expect staff to inspect it immediately and that they will only be eligible for the refund if the package does not require any additions or revisions).
If revisions are required and the revised package is not submitted prior to the refund deadline, the student will not be eligible for the refund. It is therefore highly advisable to submit the package at least several days in advance of the refund deadline.
When SGPS checks the package and finds it to be complete, they will confirm that the submission was made on or before the refund deadline. If eligible, the form will be sent to the Finance Department of SGPS for review.
Access the Early Completion Refund Request Form .
When am I officially done my graduate program?
Students are not officially done their master’s or doctoral program requirements until they have completed all course requirements, their post-defence thesis package has been approved by their supervisory committee and submitted to SGPS, and Academic Council has confirmed they have met the degree requirements. The student will then receive their confirmation of graduation email.
Students are expected to be continuously enrolled and will therefore pay tuition and fees in each term until the completion of their program (i.e. their thesis package is approved by SGPS). Please refer to the Thesis Programs Guide and the Checklist for Final Thesis Package.
A student is still registered in the 4-month course and cannot receive an official parchment until the end of the academic term. All international students are required to meet with the International Office to discuss completion of their degree.
Students cannot receive a degree parchment or a letter of degree completion until their degree has been conferred by Academic Council.
General FAQs
I am having trouble filling out my thesis or project form electronically. What should I do?
1. If you enter information into a thesis or project-related form online and try to download and save, your work will not be saved in the document. Each electronic fillable form should be downloaded and saved to your desktop or folder and then completed.
2. Is your signature required? If an original signature is not needed, you can sign the form electronically by using the “Fill and Sign” tool found on the toolbar; select the “Sign” option at the top of the menu bar and re-save the file as a PDF.
3. If the above suggestions do not work, you may need to physically print the form, complete it by hand, and scan it.
For any other issues with thesis or project-related forms, please contact
For more information
Thesis contacts
If your question isn't covered above, please contact our office.
Cheryl Simmons
Graduate Thesis Coordinator
905.721.8668 ext. 7337