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2024 SGPS Research Poster Showcase

Students presenting posters at the Fall Discovery ShowcaseThe School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS) is excited to present the SGPS Research Poster Showcase, Ontario Tech’s annual graduate student and postdoc research poster session. It provides all graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with an exciting opportunity to present their research or academic work to a broad audience in an engaging and visually impactful format. Participants will create and display posters that communicate their research findings, methodologies, and significance to a diverse group of judges and attendees. This competition encourages students to distill complex ideas into clear and accessible visual presentations, making their research understandable to both specialists and non-specialists alike.

This dynamic event allows students to gain valuable experience in presenting their research, receive constructive feedback, and engage with peers, faculty, and the wider community. The Showcase serves as a platform for students to demonstrate the wide scope of innovative research and academic endeavours conducted within our university. By participating, students not only enhance their communication skills but also contribute to a vibrant academic exchange that fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge sharing.

We invite you to join us for the SGPS Research Poster Showcase and take advantage of this unique opportunity to showcase your research and/or academic achievements and ideas. This event is an excellent way to highlight the significance of your work, connect with fellow researchers, develop competencies for presenting at conferences and make a lasting impact within the academic community and beyond. Prizes will be awarded in three categories – Best Overall, Best Visuals and Most Innovative.

Why participate?
  • Enhance Your Presentation Skills: Gain valuable experience in distilling and communicating complex research or academic concepts clearly and effectively to a diverse audience, both within and outside your field.
  • Receive Constructive Feedback: Benefit from the opportunity to receive feedback from faculty, peers, and professionals, which can help you refine your research and presentation techniques.
  • Increase Visibility: Showcase your innovative research or academic ideas to a broader audience, increasing its visibility and impact within the academic community and beyond.
  • Build Your Professional Network: Connect with fellow researchers, faculty members, and industry professionals, fostering relationships that can lead to future collaborations and career opportunities.
  • Boost Your CV: Participation in academic competitions like this one enhances your resume, demonstrating your commitment to research, your ability to communicate effectively, and your engagement with the academic community.

Important Dates

The SGPS Research Poster Showcase will be held on November 27, 2024 from 4 to 8 p.m. in Charles Hall on Ontario Tech's downtown campus (61 Charles Street, Oshawa).



September 23, 2024 Applications Open
October 18, 2024 Applications Close
October 28, 2024 Applicant selection completed
November 22, 2024 Electronic submission of poster
November 27, 2024
4 to 8 p.m.
SGPS Research Poster Showcase
Charles Hall (61 Charles Street, Oshawa)


To participate in the SGPS Research Poster Showcase, students must meet the eligibility criteria outlined below:

  • At the time of the Showcase, students must be registered in a master's or PhD program or be a current postdoctoral fellow and must have made substantial progress on their research and analysis. Students in programs with a major research project, paper or portfolio may participate. Course-based master's students may submit a poster based on work /paper completed in a graduate level course
  • PhD and master's students who have defended or have submitted their project, paper or portfolio, but have not yet convocated, are eligible.
  • All posters must be submitted by the specified deadline. Late submissions will not be accepted.
  • Each student is allowed to present only one poster at the event.


  • Participants must set up their posters at the designated time before the event starts and take them down promptly at the end of the event.
  • Posters must not exceed the maximum dimensions (42" wide x 34" tall). They should include a title, introduction, methodology, results, conclusion, and references.
  • Participants must be present at their poster for the entire duration of the poster session to answer questions and discuss their research.
  • Participants should always engage with attendees professionally and respectfully.
  • Posters will be judged based on clarity, originality, research quality, visual appeal, and the ability to answer questions effectively.
  • Winners will be announced at the end of the event, with prizes awarded for the top posters in various categories (Best Overall, Best Visuals, Most Innovative).
  • By participating, students agree to allow the university to use photos and descriptions of their posters for promotional purposes.
  • Posters should focus on academic research and should not include commercial advertising or promotion of products/services.

Judging Criteria

Prizes will be awarded in three categories – Best Overall, Best Visuals and Most Innovative.

Overall Winner (50 points)
  • Clarity of Research Question (20 points): Is the research question or objective clearly stated and easy to understand?
  • Methodology (10 points): Are the research methods appropriate and well-described? Are they clearly outlined?
  • Results and Discussion (10 points): Are the results clearly presented and analyzed? Is the discussion of results thorough and insightful and accessible to a general audience?
  • Impact (10 points): Does the research have the potential to make a meaningful impact on the field or society?
Visual Prize (50 points)
  • Layout and Organization (10 points): Is the poster logically organized with a clear flow of information? Is it easy to follow?
  • Aesthetics (20 points): Is the poster visually appealing, with appropriate use of colours, fonts, and images? Does it draw the viewer’s attention?
  • Graphics and Charts (10 points): Are graphs, charts, and images well-integrated and do they effectively support the content?
  • Impact (10 points): Does the research have the potential to make a meaningful impact on the field or society?
Innovation Prize (50 points)
  • Creativity (20 points): Does the manner in which the research is presented suggest creative thinking and originality?
  • Innovation (20 points): Does the project itself introduce new ideas, concepts, or methodologies?I
  • Impact (10 points): Does the research have the potential to make a meaningful impact on the field or society?

How to create a research poster

Posters are a common presentation format in the academic world, often featured in conference programs. A research poster effectively summarizes key information or findings in a concise and visually appealing way, aiming to both publicize the research and spark discussions.

What makes a good poster?
  • A good poster combines brief text with visual elements such as tables, graphs, and images.
  • Key information should be readable from at least 10 feet away.
  • The title should be brief and engaging.
  • Aim for a word count of 300–800 words.
  • Keep the text clear, concise, and focused.
  • Use bullets, numbering, and headings for easy readability.
  • Incorporate graphics, colors, and fonts effectively.
  • Ensure a consistent and clean layout.
  • Include your name, institutional affiliation, and acknowledgments.

Below are a selection of well-crafted research posters created by Ontario Tech students. These examples highlight effective ways to present research clearly and visually. Whether you are preparing for your first poster session or looking to enhance your presentation skills, these samples provide a wealth of inspiration and best practices.

Click on the posters below to expand.
Fall Discovery Showcase Poster Sample 1 Fall Discovery Showcase Sample Poster 2

Fall Discovery Showcase Sample Poster 3


1. What are the allowed dimensions of the poster?
The recommended poster dimensions are 42” wide x 34” tall. Posters should be large enough to be easily readable from a few feet away and should adhere to these size guidelines to fit within the display area provided at the event.

2. Who can participate in the SGPS Research Poster Showcase?
The SGPS Research Poster Showcase is open to all Ontario Tech graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, including those in both research-based and course-based programs. This event provides a platform for students from all disciplines to showcase their academic projects, research, or key insights.

3. When are applications accepted until and what if I miss the application deadline?
Applications will be accepted until October 18, 2024. Please submit your application by this date to be considered for the event. Unfortunately, late applications cannot be accepted due to the need for planning and logistics. We encourage you to apply as early as possible to ensure your participation.

4. Is there an award for the top posters?
Yes, awards will be given to the top posters based on various criteria such as clarity of presentation, creativity, and the significance of the work. Details on the award categories and prizes will be provided closer to the event.

5. What if I am in a course-based master’s program?
Students in course-based programs are welcome to participate! Whether you have completed a capstone project, case study, or another academic project, the Fall Discovery Showcase is an opportunity to present your work alongside research-based students.

6. Can I invite friends and family to the event?
Yes, the event is open to the public, and we encourage participants to invite friends, family, and colleagues to attend and support their presentations.

7. Are there any specific software recommendations for creating my poster?
There is no specific software required, but many participants use PowerPoint, Adobe Illustrator, or Canva to design their posters. Ensure that your final poster is exported as a high-resolution PDF to maintain the quality when printed.

8. Do I need to print my own poster, or will the university provide printing services?
Participants are responsible for printing their own posters. Details on printing services and deadlines will be shared with participants once they have been confirmed.

9. What is the format of the event?
The SGPS Research Poster Showcase is an in-person event. Participants will stand beside their posters during the session, answer questions, and engage with attendees. Judges will also visit each participant to evaluate the posters and presentations.

10. Can I attend the event even if I’m not presenting?
Yes, the SGPS Research Poster Showcase is open to everyone, including students, faculty, and members of the public who are not presenting. It is a great opportunity to learn about the exciting research and academic projects happening across the university.

11. How can I prepare to present my poster?
We recommend rehearsing your presentation ahead of time to ensure you are comfortable explaining your work concisely and clearly. Consider practicing with colleagues or supervisors and be prepared to answer questions about your methods, findings, and the broader implications of your work.

12. What should I wear to the SGPS Research Poster Showcase?
Business casual attire is recommended for the event. Presenters should aim to appear professional, as they will be engaging with judges, faculty members, and other attendees.

Submit your application

We invite you to join us for the SGPS Research Poster Showcase and take advantage of this unique opportunity to showcase your research and/or academic achievements and ideas.

Please Note: Submitting an application does not guarantee participation in the SGPS Research Poster Showcase. Depending on the number of applications received, participants may be selected to ensure balanced representation across all faculties. We appreciate your understanding as we work to curate a diverse and equitable list of participants.