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Visiting student agreements

Graduate students at Ontario Tech University may, under certain conditions, apply to take courses at other universities in Canada or abroad and transfer the credits earned to their graduate program. Similarly, students from other universities in Canada or abroad may apply to take courses at Ontario Tech that can be credited toward their graduate program at their home institution.

Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Plan

The Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Plan (OVGSP) permits a graduate student to take courses at other Ontario universities while remaining a registered student at his or her home institution. Students at Ontario Tech University must complete the Ontario Visiting Graduate Student Application and provide an outline of the course, desired term and the reason for requesting such permission. The course must be a requirement of the student's program and must be formally approved by the graduate program director as well as the student's supervisor before submission to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (SGPS). 

Under the terms of this plan, student fees for the requested course(s) are covered by the home institution.

Students from other universities wishing to register for graduate courses at this university should contact the Graduate Studies department at their home institution for more information regarding the process.

For more information, visit the Council of Ontario Universities' site on OVGS or download the information package below.

OVGS information package

Canadian University Graduate Transfer Agreement

Students wishing to take courses at institutions outside Ontario but within Canada may do so through the Canadian University Graduate Transfer Agreement (CUGTA). This agreement provides students in good standing enrolled in a graduate degree or diploma program at a CAGS member university the opportunity to take courses offered at another member institution (host) for transfer credit to the program at their institution (home). Students at Ontario Tech University must complete the Canadian University Graduate Transfer Agreement Request form and provide an outline of the course, desired term and the reason for requesting such permission. The course must be a requirement of the student's program and must be formally approved by the graduate program director as well as the student's supervisor before submission to SGPS.

Unlike the OVGS Plan, under which students' fees for the requested course are covered by the home institution, the CUGTA Agreement requires students to pay tuition for the course(s) concerned and applicable incidental fees at the host institution.

Students from other universities wishing to register for graduate courses at this university should contact the Graduate Studies department at their home institution for more information regarding the process.

Visiting students outside Canada

Students from Ontario Tech University wishing to take courses at universities outside Canada may do so on a letter of permission. Such an arrangement must be approved in advance by the student's graduate program director, in consultation with the student's faculty advisor or research supervisor, as applicable. A letter of permission ensures that the courses to be taken at the host institution will be recognized for credit at this university and are applicable to the student's program of study. This allows the student to attend the host institution without formal admission. If the student is in clear academic standing and has the necessary prerequisite courses, the student shall complete a Letter of Permission Request form and submit the course outline(s) to SGPS. Students are required to meet any application requirements specified by the host institution.

Once the course is completed, students are responsible for having copies of the final transcript from the host institution forwarded to SGPS for award of transfer credit. The minimum mark a student must achieve to have the course transferred is B-minus (70 per cent). The grade from the transfer credit will not be included in the calculation of the GPA.

Students must apply for a letter of permission before taking a course elsewhere. Failure to do so could result in revocation of admission.

Students completing graduate programs at universities outside Canada can apply to complete individual courses at Ontario Tech University on a letter of permission from their home university. Such students shall be admitted to the university as non-degree students. Letter of permission students are required to submit a letter from the Dean of Graduate Studies at their home university to SGPS. This letter should confirm that the student is registered in a graduate program at the home university, approve the student's request to take the course at our university, and outline the expectations of work to be completed during the time spent here.

It is the responsibility of the students to ensure they have the necessary prerequisites and are academically prepared for the course. Students are responsible for any applicable application and letter of permission fees.

Important note

Only students who have been admitted without conditions or who have fully satisfied any conditions specified at the time of admission will be approved to apply for graduate courses at other universities through the OVGS Plan, CUGTA or on a letter of permission. See the Graduate Academic Calendar for more information.

Canadian Graduate Student Research Mobility Protocol

The Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS) recognizes that research mobility is an important aspect of graduate students. As such, CAGS developed a protocol for recognizing visiting graduate research students at Canadian universities.

Visiting Graduate Students for Research (Outside Canada)

Graduate students from outside Canada that interested in performing research at the university are considered visiting scholars and must have a host supervisor. Host supervisors must complete the Visiting Scholars form.