Grad Finance FAQs and Contacts
How will I know if I am going to receive funding?
If you receive funding for your graduate studies, your funding package will be included in your offer of admission. This will include information such as the amount of funding you are being offered and the duration of these awards.
For more information, visit our graduate funding page.
Where can I find information about scholarships?
Review upcoming scholarships and tips for applying.
Where can I find information about bursaries or donor awards?
There are a number of donor awards available to you. These awards are a valuable and lasting resource for many of our current students. Once you complete a General Bursary and Donor Award application, you'll be considered for funding. To apply, follow these steps:
- Under Student Awards and Financial Aid, select apply for student aid/university works.
- Enter your network ID and password.
- Enter the applicable term and year, select continue.
- Select the General Bursary application from the drop-down menu, select continue.
I want to change from full-time to part-time status, how will this affect my current funding?
Continuation of all sources of funding from the university is dependent on maintaining good academic standing, high-quality research performance (where applicable) and availability of funds. If you withdraw, change to part-time status, change your program, change your research topic or supervisor, change your fee status or fail to complete a term, you may no longer be eligible for funding.
What are the minimum funding levels for research students?
The university is committed to providing financial support to our graduate students in research-based master’s and doctoral programs. Each program has a minimum funding threshold for full-time students. These minimum levels may be met or exceeded in a given year and are typically offered for the standard length of the program. The minimum funding may be met through various sources of funding and these sources are normally outlined in the offer of funding at the time of admission.
For more information, see minimum funding.
How do I apply for a Research or Teaching Assistantship?
If you are eligible for a Research or Teaching Assistantship, it will be included in your offer of admission. If you do not receive a Research or Teaching Assistant position, you must contact your graduate program director
For more information, visit the graduate funding page.
Where can I find information about Graduate Research Assistantships?
Please visit the graduate funding page.
Can I have an on-campus job while I am a full-time graduate student?
As a member university of the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies, Ontario Tech University is committed to ensuring that full-time graduate students work no more than an average of ten hours per week on campus. This ten-hour rule is in place to ensure that students are in a position to devote their time and energy to the requirements of their program of studies and research. Learn more about the 10-hour rule.
Can I have an on-campus job and still receive graduate funding?
If you are the recipient of an external award, the agency providing the award may have restrictions on the number of hours (including TA) that you may work. If you exceed this guideline, you risk losing your external funding. Review the appropriate guidelines included in your funding package to learn more.
Are there restrictions for the number of hours part-time students can work?
There are no restrictions.
Where can I find my tax receipts?
Tax receipts for T2202s can be viewed and printed through the MyOntarioTech portal. For questions or concerns, please contact the Office of the Registrar.
T4 slips for teaching assistantships and research assistantships can be viewed and printed through MyOntarioTech. For questions or concerns, please contact
T4A slips for graduate research assistantships, Dean's Graduate Scholarships, and CIHR, NSERC or SSHRC scholarships and bursaries will be mailed directly, according to your address on file. For questions or concerns, please contact
Do I have to pay tax if I am a Teaching or Research Assistant?
If you do not wish to pay tax as a Teaching or Research Assistant you must complete two TD1, Personal Tax Credits Return forms and submit your documentation to
For more information on TD1 forms, visit the Government of Canada website.
I am an international student, what should I be aware of when it comes to assistantships and work polices?
If you are an international student, you must stop working when you do not meet on-campus and/or off-campus work eligibility. Please contact your International Student Advisor(s) immediately with any questions or concerns.
Can I waive a TA Assignment?
Yes, a student can waive their Teaching Assistant Assignment by completing the TA/RA Request to Waive Assignment form. By signing and submitting the Request to Waive form all funds and assigned hours for the semester are waived in full.
When is tuition due?
Payment of tuition and all ancillary fees is due by the posted payment deadline each term.
What is the tuition cost for a fee-per-credit program?
If you are in a fee-per-credit program, view your tuition rates on our domestic fees or international fees list.
What is the tuition cost for a flat-fee program?
If you are in a flat-fee program, you may view your tuition rates on our domestic fees or international fees list.
What are ancillary fees?
Ancillary fees are used to provide important services and resources for graduate students. These fees are charged alongside your tuition on your student account. All ancillary fees are approved by both your Student Union and the Board of Governors. Some fees are also voted on by the student body, including your U-Pass and gym membership. All students pay ancillary fees to enable access to services at a lower cost than would be possible on an individual basis. We understand that you may not use all of the available services, and we encourage you to make use of services that you feel will enrich your student experience.
What ancillary fees can I opt out of?
The select fees you can opt out of go toward your Student Union, clubs and societies, on-campus events and the refugee sponsorship program. View the complete list of ancillary fees, including the fees you can opt out of.
Why are more ancillary fee categories listed this year?
We recognize that students want to know where their ancillary fees are going. We have separated some fee categories into several smaller items to provide a more detailed breakdown. These are not new fees and are being presented in this way to provide you with more specific information regarding the services and resources that ancillary fees make possible and continue to support.
How do I know how much my tuition and ancillary fees are this term?
Students in flat-fee programs are charged tuition in each academic term, regardless of the number of courses taken. Fees will automatically be applied to your account. For students in good standing, fees are normally applied prior to course registration. Students with existing balances will not be permitted to register in future terms and may have fees applied at a later date.
Students in per-credit programs will be charged tuition and fees once they have registered in their course(s).
To view your balance, follow these steps:
- Log in to MyOntarioTech.
- Click on Self Service Options (top right-hand corner).
- Select Student Information.
- Select Paying Your Fees.
- Select Account Detail by Term.
- View your net tuition balance.
Can I pay my tuition with my graduate funding?
Yes, you can pay your tuition with graduate funding. If you wish to do so, you must submit the graduate student promissory note for deferment of fees and tuition deduction form and supporting documentation to
Can I use a credit card to pay for my tuition?
Yes, we do accept credit card payments. Please review all acceptable payment options.
Are there any other fees in addition to my program tuition?
Ancillary fees are paid in addition to tuition fees. You may view the ancillary fees on the ancillary fees web page.
What if I miss the payment deadline?
Review the payment deadline schedule. It is your responsibility to be aware of any important dates that apply to you, and ensure all account fees are paid on time. If your fees are not paid by the deadline, your account will be subject to a late fee and your account may be inactivated, preventing future registration. In addition, graduate students in research programs may not be able to complete their thesis defence.
Late fees are charged on a monthly basis of 1.5 percent interest on the outstanding balance of your tuition account.
I am withdrawing from a course, will I owe tuition and fees?
Students in flat-fee programs are charged tuition in each academic term, regardless of the number of courses taken, therefore withdrawing from a course will not result in a refund of tuition or ancillary fees.
Students in per-credit programs are charged tuition based on the number of course credits. Withdrawing from a course by the posted course drop deadlines may result in a refund.
I am completing my program requirements before the end of the semester, will I still have to pay all tuition and fees?
In some cases, students that complete their program requirements before the end of the academic semester may be eligible for a tuition refund. Review the dates for submission of final work and corresponding refund amounts. To determine if you may be eligible for a refund, contact
I have questions about my OSAP, who do I contact?
OSAP is administered by Student Awards and Financial Aid. Graduate students with inquiries are encouraged to review the Financial Aid and OSAP FAQs or visit the Student Awards and Financial Aid website.
I have a credit balance. How do I get my refund?
Students with a credit balance due to scholarships, awards or tuition overpayment will receive refunds according to the regularly scheduled refunds, normally after the 100 per cent refund deadline for tuition fees each term. Refund requests submitted prior to this date will not normally be considered unless there are extenuating circumstances.
For more information
Grad finance contacts
If your question wasn't answered in the list above, please contact the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. For fees, funding and general grad finance questions email For inquiries regarding scholarships and awards please email