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Master’s Thesis

This award recognizes a graduating master’s student who has written an outstanding thesis that has made or is expected to make a significant contribution to his or her field of study.

2017 Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award recipient

Jessie Michael Gillis
Thesis Title: Time-Frequency Analysis Techniques for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring
Master of Applied Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering

2017 Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award nominees

Eric Heritage
Thesis Title: Examination of Secondary Electrons Generated by Encapsulated Gamma Sources to Improve Contact Dosimetry Estimates
Master of Applied Science in Nuclear Engineering

Martin Magill
Thesis Title: Characterization of Nanopores with Internal Cavities for DNA Manipulation Using Langevin Dynamics Simulations
Master of Science in Modelling and Computational Science

Derek Manis
Thesis Title: Life with HIV in a Suburban Community: An Exploration of Experiences Pertaining to Health and Social Care Services Access
Master of Health Sciences

Samantha Reid
Thesis Title: Return to Roots: An Examination of the Re-Presentations of Rurality within Post-Apocalyptic Survival Video Games
Master of Arts in Criminology

Robert Shewaga
Thesis Title: A Comparison of Seated and Room-Scale Virtual Reality on Medical-Based Serious Games and Virtual Simulation
Master of Science in Computer Science

Doctoral Thesis

This award recognizes a graduating PhD student who has written an outstanding doctoral thesis that represents a remarkably impactful contribution to his or her field of research.

2017 Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award recipient

Canan Acar
Thesis Title: Experimental Investigation and Analyses of Continuous Type Hybrid Photoeletrochemical Hydrogen Production Systems
Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering

2017 Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award nominees

Khalid Alharbi
Thesis Title: A Framework for Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in Smart Grid
Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

Phillip McNelles
Thesis Title: Dynamic Safety Assessment of FPGA-Based Safety Critical Systems with Applications in Nuclear Power Generation
Doctor of Philosophy in Nuclear Engineering

Simone Quaranta
Thesis Title: Nanostructured Materials for Photovoltaics and Microwaves Electronics: Methods and Applications
Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science