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Are you looking for ways to get involved as a graduate student? We encourage you to seek out opportunities to further develop your teamwork, leadership and networking skills, and to give back to our community!

SGPS Volunteers

Our volunteers help us set up for events, welcome students and guests, promote the university and share their experiences. We seek volunteers for the following events:

Email us at to inquire about these opportunities and to sign up!

Graduate Student Council

The Graduate Student Council hires five executive members and multiple student representatives for each faculty (maximum three students per graduate program).

The council ensures that the university is aware of the concerns of graduate students and advocates for resolutions and changes where applicable. The GSC also coordinates some graduate student events and services.

For more information and details on how you can get involved in the GSC, please talk to your Graduate Program Director and visit the Ontario Tech Student Union (OTSU) website


If you want to volunteer with other departments, faculties and events on campus, become an Ambassador at the university! As an Ambassador you will be emailed with events to volunteer at. You can also apply for a specialty role of your choosing.

You can become an Ambassador at any time by applying and completing training. Visit the university's Ambassadors website for more information.

Keep record of your experiences

Ontario Tech University offers an Involvement Record to document your on-campus extra-curricular involvement. It is a printed record that highlights your volunteerism and the skills you learned—a great addition to your portfolio, CV or resumé.

For more information on the Involvement Record, visit the Student Life website.